
Upcoming Webinars

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Upcoming Webinars

Embracing Oral Probiotics thumbnail

Probiotics have gained popularity as natural ways to enhance oral and gut health. Dental professionals need to be able to distinguish between gut probiotics and oral probiotics, identify effective oral probiotics, and learn how dietary choices can support probiotic effectiveness. In this webinar, hear about groundbreaking research on how good oral health can positively influence systemic well-being and how to seamlessly integrate this natural approach into your periodontal and caries management protocol.

Release Date: 2/19/2025

Member Pricing: FREE
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 plus applicable taxes

Source: Sponsored

Trauma-Informed Oral Health Care

As an oral healthcare professional, it’s important to ensure that a patient’s experience in your dental hygiene chair feels safe. During this presentation, learn how creating the right environment, understanding trauma, and practicing self-regulation supports patients and contributes to a more relaxed and positive experience during dental hygiene treatment.

Release Date: 3/19/2025

Member Pricing: FREE
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 plus applicable taxes

Source: Sponsored

Sustainable Dentistry: What’s It Got To Do With You?

This recording, originally presented at the 2024 CDHA National Conference, addresses the daunting task of navigating sustainability. However, with a cross-industry consensus on environmental impact drivers, there's never been a better time to embark on your sustainability journey. Simple changes, coupled with the dental hygiene community's vast reach and influence, offer a unique opportunity to lead more sustainable practices and enhance oral health outcomes.

Release Date: 6/25/2025

Member Pricing: FREE
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 plus applicable taxes

Source: Sponsored


Participate in this engaging webinar to explore TikTok-inspired oral health trends and the science behind these innovative oral care techniques. Discover evidence-based practices that clients should adopt to enhance their oral health. This presentation will change the way you offer oral health advice and might even influence your own daily oral care routines.

Release Date: 11/20/2024

Member Pricing: FREE
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 plus applicable taxes

Source: Sponsored

Maintaining a fulfilling career in dentistry goes well beyond a paycheck. Learn to balance the stressful demands of practising dental hygiene hour to hour and get back to enjoying a quality career that meets our needs in and out of the operatory. This presentation offers a variety of techniques to establish home-self-work balance, reduce physical pain, and enjoy a rewarding career.

Release Date: 6/19/2024

Member Pricing: FREE
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 plus applicable taxes

Source: CDHA


Originally released in 2020, this webinar focusses on summarizing the rationale for an updated periodontal diagnosis system, the changes adapted in the 2017 AAP WWDC as they relate to the diagnosis of periodontitis and gingivitis, and key strategies for utilization of the updated diagnostic system for improved client care. Access to this webinar will register you for Part 1: Introduction and Part 2: Staging & Grading.

Release Date: 1/18/2023

Member Pricing: FREE
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 plus applicable taxes

Source: Sponsored

Recreational cannabis became legal in Canada in October 2018. Most recently, edibles were introduced, adding to the market of oils and combustibles. This comprehensive presentation will focus on the associations of cannabis use with poor oral health, risk of oral changes, addiction, mental health complications, and more!

Release Date: 12/16/2020

Member Pricing: FREE
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 plus applicable taxes

Source: CDHA

DISCLOSURE: CDHA has no commercial interest in any products or services discussed in any of our webinars.

EDUCATIONAL DISCLAIMER: Completing a CDHA webinar does not provide the viewer with expertise on the presented topic. Viewers are encouraged to use evidence-informed approaches by doing their own research before implementing new products, technologies or procedures into their clinical practice.

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