CDHA Board of Directors

CDHA Board of Directors

To make the best use of CDHA's resources, our board uses a Policy Governance® model, a proven decision-making system that unlocks the potential of organizations. This system has provided us with strategic leadership, clear rules on delegation, and a means of overseeing and evaluating the performance of our board. In addition, this model lends itself to the kind of big-picture thinking needed by CDHA to achieve its long-term objectives.

The CDHA Board of Directors is more than a body that reviews decisions and activities. It is a think-tank for CDHA, and that's where our board's visionary role comes into play.

The board remains focused on the 5 broad areas of need where outcomes are required. These issues are addressed by the board through written policies to the CEO that describe organization ends that need to be achieved and situations that need to be addressed. Just as importantly, it describes situations and actions that need to be avoided. The board also helps develop national positions and standards for dental hygiene practice, education, research, and regulation. Through this work, CDHA serves both its members and the Canadian public more effectively.

Francine Trudeau

Francine Trudeau President

Anne Caissie

Anne Caissie Immediate Past President

Alexandra Sheppard

Alexandra Sheppard, Alberta President-Elect

Donna Lee

Donna Lee, British Columbia Director
British Columbia

Kaylen Anholt

Kaylen Anholt, Saskatchewan Director

Kathy Yerex

Kathy Yerex, Manitoba Director

Bev Woods

Bev Woods, Ontario Director

Tayyaba Fiaz

Tayyaba Fiaz, Québec Director

Nicole Mainville

Cindy Holden, New Brunswick Director
New Brunswick

Wendy Wells

Wendy Wells, Nova Scotia Director
Nova Scotia

Cindy Holden

Cindy Holden, Newfoundland & Labrador Director
Newfoundland & Labrador

Heather Cassidy

Heather Cassidy, Prince Edward Island Director
Prince Edward Island

Tracy Bowser

Tracy Bowser, North (YT, NWT, NU) Director
North (YT, NWT, NU)