Many provincial, national, and international organizations support community water fluoridation as nearly 70 years of
research and practice prove that fluoridation helps to prevent tooth decay. This webinar will provide you with
background information to help you better understand community water fluoridation and shed light on why it remains
important, safe, effective, and equitable means of reducing dental decay in communities.
Paul Sharma BSc, RDH, MSc
Paul Sharma is the acting Director for the Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention division at Peel Public
Health. Before
Peel, Paul was the Manager of the Oral Health programs at Middlesex-London Health Unit and previously
Manager in the
Department of Oral Health at the Hastings & Prince Edward Counties Health Unit. Paul currently sits on
the Executive of
the Ontario Association of Public Health Dentistry (OAPHD) serving as President. As well, Paul sits on the
of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) Board of Directors representing OAPHD. Paul’s first position in
health care was
working as a registered dental hygienist in Toronto primarily providing services to individuals living with
HIV. Paul
has also been involved in dental hygiene education in a teaching and management capacity. Paul has completed
Masters of Science in Dental Public Health from King’s College, University of London, in London, England.
Paula Benbow, RDH, MPH
At the time of original presentation, Paula was the manager of health policy at the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA). Her role at CDHA involved conducting literature reviews on critical oral health issues, developing position papers and statements, and working with stakeholders to improve access to care. Paula played an active role in advocating for public policies and initiatives that better support the oral health of Canadians.
Learning Outcomes
After the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand how community water fluoridation is part of a comprehensive oral health approach
- Understand the basics, benefits, and concerns of community water fluoridation and the maximum acceptable
concentration for fluoride in drinking water
- Identify examples of community water fluoridation resources for their clients
Additional CDHA Resources
External Resources