Upcoming Webinars
Upcoming webinars displays webinars coming up in the next few months. New topics and release dates are added
regularly so check back often.
What is a Sponsored Webinar? | What is a 3rd Party Webinar?
A 3rd party provider is an organization that provides a similar product or service to CDHA members. 3rd party webinars
are hosted externally to CDHA. These professional development opportunities have not been vetted by CDHA, nor is CDHA
affiliated with or endorse the material presented within. Examples of 3rd party webinar providers are: Philips Oral
Healthcare Online Learning, Colgate Oral Health Network, webinars offered by academic institutions, etc.
DISCLOSURE: CDHA has no commercial interest in any products or services discussed in any of our webinars.
EDUCATIONAL DISCLAIMER: Completing a CDHA webinar does not provide the viewer with expertise on the presented topic. Viewers are encouraged to use evidence-informed approaches by doing their own research before implementing new products, technologies or procedures into their clinical practice.