Studying Abroad

Your options for studying abroad depend on the school you are attending and the program you are in. Things to keep in mind include transferability of course credits, the availability of required courses abroad, and differing lengths of both courses and programs. Entrance requirements may be different in other countries, and fees will almost certainly be different.

If you have your heart set on studying abroad but you are coming up against problems with transferring credits, finding appropriate courses, or just fitting in foreign study in general, you may want to consider taking an extra year of study. This will allow you to fit in all your required courses at home so you will have flexibility in your course choices abroad.

Ultimately, the best resource for information on studying abroad would be your school, but there are a few websites that may help:

American Dental Hygienists Association Professional Resources

An ADHA page that includes information on education, licensure, and employment in the U.S.

International Federation of Dental Hygienists: Working Abroad

The International Federation of Dental Hygienists' database on working in its member nations (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America.)

Study Abroad Programs by Country:

Information and links on the topic of studying abroad.

Another great resource filled with information on the topic of studying abroad