Education Advisory Committee (EAC)

Mandate: The EAC supports the Chief Executive Officer’s (CEO) endeavours to promote quality dental hygiene education and assist the CEO to develop an operational plan for CDHA’s vision of education. The EAC mandate aligns with CDHA Board Ends policies, the CDHA’s Dental Hygiene Research Agenda, and CDHA’s Strategic Plan.


Mary Bertone, Chair
University of Manitoba

Deidra Anderson Doll
Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Joanna Asadoorian
George Brown College

Saadia Choudhry
Oxford College

Sharon Compton
University of Alberta

Rachelle Pratt (Interim Program Director 2022-2023)
University of Alberta

Leigha Rock
Dalhousie University

Sharman Woynarski
Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Kathy Yerex
University of Manitoba

Committee staff: Sylvie Martel, director of dental hygiene practice.

Call for members: There are currently no open positions on this committee.