2023 Healthy & Respectful Workplace Survey

2023 CDHA Healthy & Respectful Workplace Survey:

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All reports are available free to CDHA members. Interested non-members may download the Pain & Discomfort and Executive Summary infographics only and request a copy of the full report by contacting info@cdha.ca. (Fee may apply)


Watch this video report for an overview of the 2023 Healthy and Respectful Workplace Survey.

In the fall of 2023, CDHA conducted its second Healthy and Respectful Workplace Survey of active members to gain a better understanding of the incidences of harassment, bullying, abuse, and violent behaviour in the workplace and their experiences with pain and discomfort.

The survey was sent to all active CDHA members. The response rate was solid at 17% with a total of 2,906 members completing the 2023 survey.

Features of the report include:

  • Six in ten respondents personally experienced and/or witnessed some form of mistreatment in the workplace within the last 12 months.
  • Younger dental hygienists and those without workplace policies are more likely to experience some form of mistreatment in the workplace.
  • At least 87% of respondents confirmed that they experienced one or more medical issues within the past 12 months.
  • Respondents commented on what they consider to be key features or values of a healthy and respectful workplace.

Impact of mistreatment:

  • Almost half of respondents (49%) reported that they lost respect for the offending person.
  • Approximately 47% of respondents experienced symptoms of stress.
  • Approximately 39% of respondents considered quitting their job and looking for other job opportunities.

Suggestions to support and promote a healthy and respectful workplace:

  • Provide support to those affected by mistreatment.
  • Establish and/or strengthen the workplace policy on mistreatment in the workplace.
  • Ensure that there is accountability and that the workplace policies are enforced.
  • Provide more education, training, and skills development.

The information collected through this research will ultimately be used by CDHA to meet the following strategic goals:

  1. Refine the vision of a healthier and more respectful workplace for CDHA members.
  2. Support members through the development of tools and resources.
  3. Build partnerships to address workplace issues.