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CDHA webinars and courses are typically recognized by your regulatory authority and can be used toward your quality assurance requirements. Please consult your regulatory college for more information.
Events subject to change.

Dental Career Longevity: Putting The Pieces Together!

Maintaining a fulfilling career in dentistry goes well beyond a paycheck. Learn to balance the stressful demands of practising dental hygiene hour to hour and get back to enjoying a quality career that meets our needs in and out of the operatory. This presentation offers a variety of techniques to establish home-self-work balance, reduce physical pain, and enjoy a rewarding career.

Release Date: June 19, 2024

Member Pricing: FREE
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 plus applicable taxes

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DISCLOSURE: CDHA has no commercial interest in any products or services discussed in any of our webinars.

EDUCATIONAL DISCLAIMER: Completing a CDHA webinar does not provide the viewer with expertise on the presented topic. Viewers are encouraged to use evidence-informed approaches by doing their own research before implementing new products, technologies or procedures into their clinical practice.