Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness Corner

Oh Canada! Workplace Wellness

Workplace wellness encompasses being healthy both physically and psychologically. When we experience wellness in the workplace, we feel happier, more engaged, and less stressed at the office and at home. A healthy and respectful workplace is one that supports and promotes the physical and psychological well-being of each member of the team.

To support dental hygienists in their efforts to achieve a healthy work environment, CDHA publishes a Workplace Wellness column in our member magazine, Oh Canada! Each article shares insight into the different approaches dental hygienists can take to maintain their physical and psychological well-being to enjoy long, healthy careers. Read the articles by selecting the year below:

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Take a Stand: How Better Ergonomics Can Boost Your Dental Hygiene Career

We’ve all heard the saying, “Sitting is the new smoking,” and for oral health professionals, it couldn’t be more relevant. Our work demands long hours of sitting, hunching, and leaning over patients, often leading to musculoskeletal pain, especially in the neck, back, and shoulders. It’s no surprise that many oral health professionals experience acute and chronic pain throughout their careers.

Sources of Hidden Stress

Some of the stress you experience as a dental hygienist is obvious: a client being late or rude, feeling like your appointment time isn’t long enough to provide proper dental hygiene care, frustration with a problem in the office or with a person at work or home. But then there is some stress that isn’t as obvious. It is “hidden.”