Supplementary Membership Options
Independent Practice Network (IPN)
A strong independent practice community can work together to change the face of oral health care in Canada.
for CDHA’s independent practitioners is a high priority for the association. As we continue our efforts to
independent practice, we recognize that formal mobilization of the group will help move us forward so the
Practice Network (IPN) was launched in 2014‒2015. The IPN is designed to meet your specific needs as a
of CDHA’s growing community of independent practice dental hygienists. By joining this exciting network, you
will receive several exclusive benefits available ONLY to members of the IPN. Learn
more about the IPN.
While all members can purchase access to the independent practice network, individuals must
ensure they are able to practice
independently in accordance with their
and have full active CDHA membership.
Educators' Community
CDHA is committed to supporting dental hygiene educators across the country and understands their needs are
As a result, CDHA is pleased to offer a supplementary Educator membership to all current, retired and
aspiring dental hygiene educators. Both individual and institutional memberships are available.
Institutional Educator membership
Must be arranged by program director/coordinator. The fee schedule is based on the number of CDHA member
dental hygiene educators (full-time and part-time) the program director/coordinator
is enrolling from its institution.
Benefits for Educators
Online Educator Community: CDHA’s Online Educator Community provides a forum for
sharing information, ideas, and communicating with educator colleagues. There are currently more than 300 members who
to this exclusive community.
Professional Development Opportunities: Participate in education-driven professional
development activities and obtain valuable tools and resources.
Have Your Say: Participate in educator-specific questionnaires to help shape CDHA
resources and
guide CDHA advocacy efforts to advance dental hygiene education in Canada.