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Independent Practice Connections Café - Presentations

Independent Practice Connections Café - Presentations are previously recorded videos originally produced from both virtual and in-person sessions.

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  • Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 + applicable taxes


Expanding Your Business

presented by Maxident

Presenter: Alex Zlatin, MBA, BSc

Moderators: Clayton De Corte, RDH,
Donna Wells, RDH, BA
Release Date: April 30, 2024


As dental hygienist-owned businesses continue to grow across Canada, dental hygiene entrepreneurs may consider expanding their practice. This presentation will offer guidance on staffing considerations and the onboarding process, and we’ll discuss the need to update office protocols and manuals to maintain efficiency, consistency, clarity, and regulation as a growing business. The session will also examine artificial intelligence (AI) and how it can be integrated into your marketing strategy.